Our advantages
Qualified trainers
International programs
Qualified experts
Conducted trainings
Trained Entrepreneurs
Upcoming events
Webinar: "How to choose a CRM system depending on your industry and budget?"
Online training: "Marketing strategy for small and medium-sized enterprices"
Webinar: "Digital Labeling of Light Industry Products. How to work with labeled goods in practice?"
Our experts

Participants’ Feedback
Frequently Asked Questions
Upon completion of our courses and trainings, a certificate of participation is issued from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. The certificate is not issued at master-classes and webinars.
To participate in the course you have to:
- Register for the course by filling out the registration form, which is located on the page with the upcoming course information. Alternatively, you can leave your phone number in the feedback form, our consultant will contact you and help with registration.
- After registration, you should pay for the course in advance in order to reserve a place.
- Next, you will receive an invitation to the course by phone or email.
Most of the events are held in Bishkek, however, we periodically travel to the regions. Also, entrepreneurs from the regions have the opportunity to study with us in an online format. We publish information about upcoming events on the website and in social networks.
No, the Business Education Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic does not provide grants, but it has special training on the development of project proposals in order to obtain investments and fundraising.
On an ongoing basis, there is a discount system for companies / entrepreneurs that are members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Discounts are periodically provided for those who are not members of the CCI KR as well.
Yes, we develop training modules upon company requests on various topics, including promotion on the Internet, development of a loyalty system, and SMM.
No, all trainings are for business representatives only.
To automate business processes, we have training on the implementation, selection and use of CRM systems. If you have suggestions on any other topic, you can contact BEC and we can develop a training on your request.
Yes, we conduct corporate training sessions upon individual request. You can add your contacts in our feedback form, we will get in touch with you and discuss everything.
The course assumes you have an Intermediate level of English. If you are not sure about your language level, we can schedule an interview with a teacher to determine it.
Yes, upon individual request.
To participate in the “Fit for Partnership with Germany” program for entrepreneurs, you must meet the criteria of the program and have clear goals for cooperation with German business. Selection for the program is carried out on a competitive basis.
По окончании обучения на наших курсах, тренингах выдается сертификат об участии от Торгово-промышленной палаты Кыргызской Республики. На мастер-классах и вебинарах сертификат не выдается
Для участия в курсе вам необходимо:
- Зарегистрироваться на курс, заполнив регистрационную форму, которая расположена на странице с информацией о предстоящем курсе или можете оставить свой номер телефона в форме обратной связи, наш консультант свяжется с Вами и зарегистрирует Вас.
- После регистрации нужно произвести оплату за курс заранее для того, чтобы забронировать место.
- Далее Вы получите приглашение на курс по телефону или по электронной почте.
Нет, Центр бизнес-образования ТПП КР не выдает гранты, но у нас есть специальное обучение по разработке проектных предложений с целью получения инвестиций и фандрайзингу.